Don’t miss a dose
If you have a number of prescriptions to keep track of, it can be confusing, but your Co-op pharmacist is here to help!
What is compliance packaging and how does it work?
Compliance packaging refers to packaging medication in organized blister cards. Simply punch out the medication from the blister when that dose is due.
The packages are typically dispensed in four- or five-week sets. Each card is labelled with either a description or picture of each medication so you will always know what medications you are taking.
What medications can be included in the compliance packs?
Most medications can be included whether they’re prescription or over-the-counter medication. There are a few medications that must be dispensed in their original packaging, but your pharmacist will tell you if this is the case.
Who is compliance packaging for?
Anyone who would like peace of mind about their medication should consider compliance packaging. It can help tremendously with clarifying confusing instructions and medication adherence.
Compliance packaging can help you avoid missing doses of important medications and offer reassurance that you have taken your doses if you forget later, especially if you have multiple medications to take at different times throughout the day.
If you choose this option, it also allows you to pick up all your medications at the pharmacy once per month instead of multiple times.
Are there a certain number of prescriptions I need to have before I can access compliance packaging?
There is not a minimum number! Pharmacies have blister packed anywhere between one and twenty medications.
Are there additional costs to having medication compliance packaged?
Typically, there are not additional costs associated with the actual packaging of the medication. However, the medications packaged will be filled every month as opposed to situations when medication is filled every two months or every three months.
When you need some extra help organizing your medications, your Co-op pharmacist is here to help! Get in touch with them today.