Managing Medications with Your Pharmacists
April 14, 2023


Managing your medications and keeping track of how they interact with each other can be challenging. Your Saskatoon Co-op has the expertise to ensure your medications are providing the maximum benefit as they work together.

What is a medication review?
A medication review provides patients with the chance to have a consultation with their Co-op Pharmacist regarding their medications, including prescriptions, non-prescriptions, and alternative medicines, as well as other aspects of their lifestyle.

These reviews help you better understand the medications you're taking and what they're used for. They're designed to ensure you're taking the right medication, at the right dose and route, for the right indication and the proper amount of time. Medication reviews are tailored to those who are taking multiple medications at a time—usually five or more long-term medications—to help manage the potential for drug-related problems and interactions.

What should I know before my review?
You should bring any medications you are currently taking, including prescription or over-the-counter medications, vitamins or supplements and natural health products, so your pharmacist can assess your full medication history.

Your pharmacist will meet with you in a private setting to discuss your medication history, health conditions and lifestyle factors, as well as any results from your previous lab tests or blood work.

What happens during the review?
The pharmacist will consider each of your medications and discuss what you're taking, why and how you're taking it and any side effects you've experienced. The pharmacist will also look for potential drug interactions or problems to identify any issues and look for solutions.

If your pharmacist identifies a concern with a medication you're taking (or should be taking), a health condition or a lifestyle factor, they will help determine solutions to improve the issue.

With your consent, your pharmacist will collaborate with your healthcare professional team, including your doctor, to devise the most effective resolution for your health or medication-related concerns.

Solutions can include changes in medication, dosage, time taken, how it's administered and duration of treatment. Lab tests, blood work or follow-ups with your physician may also be necessary.

Your Co-op Pharmacist is readily available to assist, whether it pertains to a particular issue, multiple health conditions, or medications.

Visit Saskatoon Co-op Pharmacy to arrange a medication review appointment with your pharmacist. No referral is necessary!